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天地遊戲第九十八則 |
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Crossword puzzle can help develop our critical thinking and is a proven way to increase brainpower. It is educational and fun. Let's complete the following crossword puzzle with the words in connection with food, cooking, eating... . The clues are all straight forward with no attempt to trick and the words are common and short. ![]() Down 1. Cookout 3. In a pub, you treat your friend a drink and you will say, "It's my ____." 4. The top part of the leg of a chicken cooked and eaten 5. Collective name of apple, orange, lemon, pear, watermelon, etc. 6. Slightly drunk 7. A cold dessert made with cream and egg white 8. A seed of a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable Across 1. 100℃ is the _______ point of water 2. Taste of unsweetened chocolate 3. To cook meat without liquid in an oven or over a fire 4. A mixture of flour, water, etc that is made into bread and pastry 5. Banquet 6. Having a strong and pleasant flavour 7. A tall cup for beer 8. An oval object that consists of yolk and white 請參加者在十二月廿三日前把答案連同姓名、職位、所屬單位、聯絡電話及所屬單位主管(警司級人員或行政主任)姓名,以派遞方式送交警政大樓三十四樓警察翻 譯主任事務課收,信封面請註明「語文天地」。每期得獎名額八個,每位得獎者可獲贈書券面值共港幣二百元。如超過八位參加者答對全部題目,則以抽籤方式選出 得獎者。如沒有參加者答對全部題目,則在答中最多題目的參加者中抽出得獎者。得獎者將於稍後由所屬單位頒發書券。查詢電話:2860-8476。 第九十七則遊戲答案: 1.(驀)然回首 6.(粲、嫣)然一笑 2.(泰、坦)然自若 7.(超)然物外 3.(井)然有序 8.(斷)然拒絕 4.(渾)然天成 9.(怦)然心動 5.(浩)然正氣 10.(恬)然自安 經抽籤後,得獎者名單如下: 1.人事部職員關係課/繕校員 李淑賢 2.CPB/ PS II CHAN Mei-chu 3.CPB/ OLO II CHAN Sau-mei 4.HKPC/CALLI RDS CHAN Yuen-ching 5.CRB / CA CF & M LEE Kit-wing 6.E & CSR / OA EST LEE Siu-sing 7.E & CSR / ACO CSR LEUNG Choi-lun 8.CRB / Workman II WONG Pak-lam (由
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