KM volunteers receive Induction Training |
The spirit of Knowledge Management (KM) can be summed up in the words of an industrialist, Andrew Carnegie, who said: "The only irreplaceable capital an organisation possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people. The productivity of that capital depends on how people effectively share their competence with those who can use it." The Force Knowledge Management team is steered by the Research Centre of Police College, four KM Champions, 88 Peer Advisers and 54 KM Administrators. Together they strive to ensure the Force remains a knowledge-based organisation. On November 28, Police College organised KM Induction Training at the college's Foundation Training Centre for a total of 42 volunteers who have been appointed as either KM Administrators or Peer Advisers. The head of Research Centre, Superintendent (SP) Cheung Hoi-yan, started the training by sharing her perspective on the essence of KM and its trend. SP Cheung pointed out: "Knowledge Management can transform our organisation to new levels of effectiveness, efficiency, and scope of operation. Modern managers require the ability to gather information in usable formats and disseminate knowledge to achieve the organisation's objectives." The newly appointed Honorary College Advisor, Prof Eric Tsui of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, gave an inspiring presentation on the latest technology, Personalised Learning Environment and Network, which can "effectively save us from information-overload and inspire us on how to use the existing knowledge effectively". He emphasised: "Besides the well-known changes in technology, there are continuous changes politically, socially, and economically. The ability of an organisation to stay updated requires a core competence in Knowledge Management." The training programme also featured sharing by KM Champions, Chief Superintendents Wong Sui-fat and Lau Chi-wai and Senior Superintendent Cheng Tak-ming, who updated the trainees on the latest KM developments in Good Practices, Story Telling and the Peer Adviser Scheme respectively. At the same time, SP So Kam-pang, a long-serving KM Administrator, shared his valuable ideas of Lessons Learnt. The participants seized the opportunity to generate ideas of how to improve the Force's current KM initiatives via an interactive session - Knowledge Café. The daylong programme allowed participants to learn about the up-to-date KM development within the Force and the current technologies in sharing information. The success of Force KM can hardly be achieved without the support of every member of the Force. Those wishing to know more about KM of the Force are welcome to contact SP Cheung at 2860-5770, email:; or Senior KM Officer, Mr Leung Tseng-wai, at Research Centre at 2860-2399, email: ![]() |
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