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語文 天地遊戲第九十九則 千色文字 |
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中文成語有不少和顏色有關,例如萬紫千紅、黑白分明、紅粉佳人、青出於藍等。在英語世界裡,也有很多與顏色有關的習用語。以下句子均包含一個與顏色有關的 習用語,你能夠按文意找出答案嗎? a. brown as a berry b. grey existence c. a silver lining d. in the black e. white as a ghost f. pink elephants g. a green thumb h. blue in the face i. golden handshake j. painted the town red 1. Having worked very hard, he paid off all the debts and his account was again. (meaning: financially sound) 2. I explained the situation until I was but she wouldn't change her mind. (meaning: trying unsuccessfully to do something for a very long time) 3. She was out in the sun so much that she became as . (meaning: very tanned) 4. The company chairman received a huge on retiring. (meaning: a generous sum of money given to a person when he leaves a company or retires) 5. She has and is able to grow one of the best gardens in our neighbourhood. (meaning: good at gardening) 6. The activities provided by the hospital are designed to lighten the of the inmates. (meaning: a dull and monotonous life) 7. "No more drinks for me please, otherwise I'll be seeing !" (meaning: hallucinations or strange imaginary things seen by people as a result of heavy drinking or the use of narcotics) 8. To celebrate the victory, the team's supporters . (meaning: to go out and party and have a good time) 9. Don't just focus on the setback. Every cloud has . (meaning: there is a positive or hopeful side to every unpleasant situation) 10. My sister became when she suddenly saw the man at the window. (meaning: a person who looks very pale and frightened) 請參加者在二月十七日前把答案連同姓名、職位、所屬單位、聯絡電話及所屬單位主管(警司級人員或行政主任)姓名,以派遞方式送交警政大樓三十四樓警察翻譯 主任事務課收,信封面請註明「語文天地」。每期得獎名額八個,每名得獎者可獲贈書券面值共港幣二百元。如超過八名參加者答對全部題目,則以抽籤方式選出得 獎者。如沒有參加者答對全部題目,則在答中最多題目的參加者中抽出得獎者。得獎者將於稍後由所屬單位頒發書券。查詢電話:2860-8476。 第九十八則遊戲答案:
經抽籤後,得獎者名單如下: PHQ S / CON A CHAN Tung-wai HKPC / SS II CHENG Yuk-fung CRB / PC SCU LAU Wai-man CTPD / CA LEUNG Wai-chow SQW / SEO A SQ NG Oi-yi P & A / OC L2 SIN Wai-ping TWDIST / PTR II TSUI Wing-suen P & A / CA YEUNG Sau-lan (由
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