語文 天地遊戲第一百則 Types of Words

0 張相片

The majority of English words fall into a small number of types of words, such as noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition and determiners. They are called word classes.  You are now invited to name the above-mentioned word classes out of the following sentence in this table.  The first one has been done for you.

When little Mary returned home, a cute puppy wagged its tail vigorously before her.
Type of word Word class Word(s)
1. A word which names 1)   noun Mary, puppy, tail
2.  A word which indicates relationships 2)
3.  A word which describes an action 3)
4. A word which adds information about verbs
5. A word which connects parts of speech 5)
6. A word which replaces a noun 6)

7.  A word which describes 7) 

8.  Words which come at the beginning of noun phrases but are not adjectives 8)

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1.    d    2.    h    3.    a    4.    i    5. g 6.    b    7.    f    8.    j    9.    c    10.    e


所屬單位 /職位    姓名

CPB / OLO II    CHAN Sau-mei

PC 1415/APTDIST    CHENG Ching-shan

HKPC/ SS II    CHENG Yuk-fung


HKPC/CA    HO Wing-chi


CTPD/ACO    TAI Chau-ping

CRB/ACO    WONG Yim-han

(由 警隊善用兩文三語工作小組供稿)

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