Liaison Bureau cements overseas ties

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A four-member delegation from Liaison Bureau paid a visit to the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) and the Royal Thai Police (RTP) between March 26 and 30 to further strengthen ties with two important law enforcement partners in Asia.

The delegation, comprising INTERPOL Division Chief Inspector Li Kwai-wah, Senior Inspector Chan Ching-yin, Inspector Kwok Yat-leung, and Police Constable Kam Suk-fan, first visited the RMP and held a meeting with the Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigation Department, Mr Hadi Ho Bin Abdullah, and officers from major crime units under the department. The matters discussed included co-operation at working level and communication with RMP crime units. Opportunity for junior detectives from the Force to attend detective training in the RMP was also explored at the meeting.

The delegation also took the opportunity to visit INTERPOL Kuala Lumpur, one of the closest partners of INTERPOL Hong Kong, China, in Asia.
Following the two-day visit to Malaysia, the delegation called at the RTP and met with the Commander of the Crime Suppression Division, Police Major General Supisarn Bhakdinarinath. The delegation also called at INTERPOL Bangkok and discussed the progress of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Force and the RTP, which was one of the initiatives agreed by the two police forces during Commissioner Tsang Wai-hung's visit to the RTP in June last year.

The delegation also took the opportunity to meet the Liaison Officer at the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok, Mr Wu Jianmin, and discuss assistance to Hong Kong residents in the event of an emergency. Mr Wu assured the delegation that the Chinese Embassy would render full support and assistance to the Force for handling emergency incidents involving Hong Kong residents.


Chief Inspector Li Kwai-wah receives a souvenir from Mr Hadi Ho Bin Abdullah, Assistant Director of Criminal Investigation Department of the Royal Malaysia Police

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