Force launches 'Hong Kong Police Mobile Application' |
The popularity of smart phones brings convenience and the use of mobile applications has become part of daily life. To strengthen community engagement as well as to enhance internal communication, the Force is launching its first "Hong Kong Police Mobile Application" (HKP Mobile App) on July 18. The HKP Mobile App is available at the "App Store" and "Google Play" for downloading by using smart-phones (iPhone and Android). It enables users to access the latest police information anytime and anywhere. To ensure the HKP Mobile App suits the needs of the users, a Force Working Group (FWG) on Use of Social Media (Communications with Public) was established in October 2011. Members came from Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB), Information Systems Wing (ISW), Service Quality Wing, Crime Wing, Recruitment, and frontline formations. The FWG had drawn reference from the hit-rate of the Police Public Page, overseas and local experiences and research when formulating the development direction and refining the design of the application. By using the platforms of the HKP Mobile App and social media, the Force intends to achieve the following objectives: 1. Expand the existing communication networks and platforms in order to strengthen community engagement; 2. Provide timely, direct and efficient response to the public; 3. Leverage the effort of engaging the community by making use of social media; and 4. Appreciate the demands from society and garner community support. By adopting the recommendations of the FWG, PPRB and ISW have been working hand-in-hand to reach a flawless design for the application. Six months of hard work gave birth to the prototype of the HKP Mobile App in May 2012. A total of 52 participants from Police Regions, Junior Police Call and Non-ethic Chinese community were invited for the user acceptance test. Feedback showed that over 90 per cent of the participants were very satisfied or satisfied with the performance of the mobile application. Ninety-four per cent of the participants indicated that they would download the mobile application after it was launched. Crime officers are required to go to different police districts for investigation. Some who had participated in the test appreciated that the function of "Nearest Report Room" is able to provide them with the location of the nearest report room and its contact means quickly. It facilitates their post-investigation jobs of documentation and exhibits handling at police stations, hence enhancing their work efficiency. The first phase of the HKP Mobile App includes the following features: 1. Force Vision, Common Purpose and Values; 2. Commissioner's Operational Priorities; 3. Contact Us; 4. Nearest Report Room; 5. Press Release; and 6. Recruitment. The Force plans to roll out the second phase by the end of this year so as to enrich the HKP Mobile App by including more useful information. To explore the HKP Mobile App, download it from "App Store" or "Google Play". One can also go to the Police Public Page ( to get more information about it. ![]() |
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