Contents Highlights

Fifty-four police children awarded scholarships


Fifty-four children of police officers were awarded scholarships under the Police Children's Education Trust and Police Education and Welfare Trust at the presentation ceremony for 2011/12 on August 23.

Another memorable occasion for education of police children

Officiating at the ceremony, Commissioner Tsang Wai-hung encouraged the scholarship winners to keep up their efforts in studying and striving for excellence. "As you are the masters of Hong Kong of tomorrow, I do sincerely congratulate all the scholarship winners and hope you would keep on equipping yourselves in an ever-changing era of information explosion in order to showcase your talents in society," he told the police children.

He noted: "The trusts have been running smoothly over decades due to generous donations and contributions made by the chairmen and members of the Joint Management Committees and Joint Investment Advisory Boards. Their advice on proper management of the trusts has made optimum utilisation of the trusts possible.

Mr Tsang also extended his heartfelt thanks to the former Chairman of the Joint Management Committees, Mr Victor Li, for his great contribution over the past six years from 2006 to June this year. 

CP is convinced that management of the trusts would further improve under the new Chairman, Mr Michael Lee, and with the support of committee members,   benefit more police children.

The two education trusts have in the past 45 years benefited thousands of children of police officers at all ranks with scholarships, bursaries and grants.  Donations come from the community and Force members are also an important source of income for the trusts. Force members are welcome to join a Voluntary Contribution Scheme by making a monthly donation to provide a stable and continuous source of income for the education trusts. They may make donation with cheque and official receipt will be issued for donation of $100 or more, which is tax deductible.

Call Personnel Services and Staff Relations Branch at 2860-3242 for details of making donations to the trusts.

Mr Michael Lee succeeds Mr Victor Li as Chairman of the Joint Management Committees

Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:
Mr Eddie WONG   
CSP PPRB (Chairperson) 
Miss Natalia LEUNG       
Mr LEE Jim-on         
Mr Gareth HO     
Mr Michael LI    
Mr Brian TANG     TSRO NTN
Mr Lincoln LEUNG   
Mr CHOW Kwok-kee  
Mr PONG Chick-fai             

Editor: Mark Tam: 2860-6171
Reporters: Melody Tang: 2860-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2860-6173
Photographers: Kay Yuen: 2860-6174
Rex Ip: 2860-6175
Fax: 2200-4309
Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Deadline for next edition: September 17, 2012

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