New milestone reached for
ICT Strategy Development

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The Force has formulated and continuously reviewed its Information Systems Strategy Plan (ISSP) with a view to identifying its long-term IT potentials with regard to its business and operational strategies, as well as to set out the direction and implementation of IT development. 

The current ISSP was formulated in 2005.  Along with the principle of the need of an ISSP, the Force introduced the first Communications Systems Strategy Plan in 2006.  Since then, there have been changes in the business environment and new technology has brought about operational improvement and service transformation in the Force.  As a result, there is a need to review the current plans and to draw up a new blueprint and action plan for ICT development in the Force in coming years.
A consultant 'Analysys Mason Limited' was employed to conduct the Information and Communications Technology Strategy Review in July.

Information Systems Wing will work closely with Analysys Mason to ensure the new Information and Communications Systems Strategy Plan best meets the ICT needs of the Force. The new plan aims to make use of ICT technologies to improve policing that supports the Force's Strategic Directions, Strategic Action Plan and Commissioner's Operational Priorities.

The review started last month, and the assessment and consultation stage will start sometime this month, during which Force members will be invited to attend interviews and workshops to provide ideas they might have in relation to the ICT development in the Force.


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