RMPU HKI publishes pamphlet on locating strayed youngsters

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Once a youngster runs away from home, he or she might land in harm's way and get involved in crime. And their parents would feel distraught and helpless. In view of this, the Regional Missing Person Unit Hong Kong Island (RMPU HKI) has designed and produced a pamphlet, which outlines the initial steps to take in the event a youngster has gone missing or run away from home. The RMPU HKI hopes the pamphlet would help the family concerned handle the problem, alleviate worries and stress, and obtain timely assistance.

While some runaway youngsters returned home after a short period of time, parents still must take all possible steps within the initial hours to locate their loved ones. Therefore, RMPU HKI's pamphlet details the necessary steps to take.

To raise awareness of the social problem of youngsters running away from home, RMPU HKI officers will also call at schools and non-government organisations on Hong Kong Island and discuss how to handle the problem.


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