Contents Highlights

CP visits France and Germany
to enhance Police co-operation


Commissioner Tsang Wai-hung led a four-member delegation, including Assistant Commissioner (Operations)Wong Chi-hung, to visit the law enforcement agencies in France and Germany between September 17 and 21.

Mr Tsang pays a courtesy call on Director General of French National Police, Mr Claude Baland

During his visit in France, Mr Tsang paid courtesy calls on Mr Claude Baland, Director General of French National Police, as well as police chiefs of the Military Police and Paris Police Force.

Mr Baland thanked the Force for co-operation in the fight against financial crime and illegal immigrants in recent years.  More collaboration between the two forces is expected in the combat against organised crime and experience sharing on major event policing.

 Mr Baland stated that both forces were facing similar challenges in maintaining law and order while policing public order events in crowded cities, adding that experience sharing was therefore very important.

 After the signing of a "Letter of Intent" between French National Police and the Force in 2011, co-operation of the two forces has been enhanced considerably. The visit allowed top management of both sides to identify areas for closer strategic partnership, which included investigation of organised crime, money laundering, cyber crime, initiatives in countering terrorism, cyber security and crowd management training and tactics.

"Following the visit to France, direct points of contact for officers from both places dealing with financial crime, cyber crime and organised crime will be established, which will  improve the effectiveness of the joint effort for the fight against transnational crime," Mr Tsang said.

Visit to Germany

Mr Tsang then continued his tour and paid a visit to German Police in Frankfurt on September 19.

A Joint Understanding on Preventing and Combatting International Crime and Developing Police Co-operation was signed on September 20 between the two forces to enhance co-operation in combatting transnational crime, including drug and human trafficking, economic crime, cyber crime and money laundering.

The Joint Understanding was signed by Mr Tsang and President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Mr Jorg Ziercke.

The agreement, signed during the Commissioner's visit to BKA Headquarters in Wiesbaden, complements the existing co-operation between the Force and BKA. It sets out the framework for tackling transnational crime and also cements the partnership in capacity building and professional development.

At the signing ceremony, Mr Tsang emphasised the common belief held by both forces in fighting crime and the importance of international police co-operation in meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

 "No single police force can work on its own. This Joint Understanding marks the enhanced co-operation between the two forces. We're committed to assisting each other in police work with a pragmatic manner," Mr Tsang said.

Mr Ziercke said he admired the achievement of the Force in maintaining a low crime rate, especially in terms of violent crime.  Both forces share the same values and are eager to exchange expertise at all levels.

Besides meeting the BKA President, the Force delegation received briefings by the Joint Counter Terrorism Centre, Joint Internet Centre, Serious and Organised Crime Division and State Security Division of BKA.

The Commissioner continued to visit various units of the Federal Police Office and paid a courtesy call on its President, Mr Dieter Romann.

Mr Tsang and the President of the Federal Criminal Police Office, Mr Jorg Ziercke, sign the Joint Understanding

Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:
Mr Eddie WONG   
CSP PPRB (Chairperson) 
Mrs Peggy CHAU          
Mr LEE Jim-on         
Mr Brian TANG        
Ms Connie CHUNG      
TSRO Marine
Ms Sharon WONG         SIP CRM HQ (2)
Ms CHEUNG Pui-ling      
PA, Police College
Mr Ricky KOK      

Editor: Mark Tam: 2860-6171
Reporters: Melody Tang: 2860-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2860-6173
Photographers: Kay Yuen: 2860-6174
Rex Ip: 2860-6175
Fax: 2200-4309
Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Deadline for next edition: September 28, 2012

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