Information Security Tips Series
Online File Sharing Security

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Nowadays people often use different web service providers or computer software as platforms to share files with friends. In general, service providers will use cloud computing technology to store files, whereas peer-to-peer structure will be the most common computer software used for online file sharing. Online file sharing certainly brings conveniences. Nevertheless, while enjoying the convenience brought by file sharing technology, does a user notice the implicit information security risks?

Any security risk?

In recent years, the security risks associated with online file sharing have attracted wide attention. Amidst the various online file sharing and storage services from service providers, most users worry about their reliability on security technologies and measures. As revealed in a recent case in which the user accounts and passwords of a service provider were disclosed and disseminated to other websites because of the lack of security mechanism.

Some peer-to-peer software might require users to open certain network ports for file transfer. However, this might enable hackers to carry out attacks through these opened network ports. In addition, some peer-to-peer software without source code provided might be encapsulated with virus or malicious code, such as Trojan horses. Upon downloading and installing, the files stored on the computer will be infected with virus, or even allowing hackers to manipulate the computer. On the other hand, some unethical software providers might in advance conceal a trap door to mislead users that only the designated folder is designed for sharing, but actually the entire drive is shared. As a result, some personal or sensitive information might be leaked through these settings.

Another concern is copyright issue. While uploading files to the Internet, users should check whether those shared files contain pirated software or copyrighted material, otherwise users would breach copyright regulations and face legal action.

How to minimise security risks?

1. Password management and data transmission encryption

For file sharing on a web service platform, it is necessary to change the user password periodically and use a strong password that is not easy to guess. Furthermore, users should use those web service providers that allow data encryption (e.g. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)), such that the password is encrypted when transmitted online.

2. Protection of sensitive or personal information

Uploading and transmitting classified files could give rise to security risks. Users should restrict sharing this kind of files online, lest the sensitive or personal information should be exposed to unauthorised people.

3. Copyright and intellectual property right

Before uploading files to the Internet, it is essential to examine the file content to see whether it is covered under copyright or intellectual property right to avoid the violation of copyright regulations.

4. Anti-virus software update and activation of personal firewall function

It is important to keep anti-virus software and definition file current to protect the computer against virus. Besides, activation of personal firewall function could minimise the risk of hacker attack.
In conclusion, do not use or download any unidentified file sharing software. To prevent information leakage or theft, the best way is not to have shares enabled or set up when you don't need them.

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