CPB-moneychangers effort to fight crimes

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Crime Prevention Bureau (CPB) held two sessions of a crime prevention seminar tailor-made for local remittance agents and moneychangers at Police Headquarters on August 29.

Conducted in Cantonese and English, the seminar featured speakers from Narcotics Bureau (NB), Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) and Kowloon East Regional Crime Unit to introduce the methods of identifying counterfeit banknotes, and, more importantly, to deepen participants' understanding of money laundering, the relevant legislation and the criminal liability for contravening the legislation.

To prevent remittance agents and moneychangers from being exploited for violating the law, the audience was briefed on the modus operandi commonly adopted by swindlers in cases of telephone scam and street deception. Throughout the seminar, CPB Superintendent Kwok Yik-man and other speakers were on hand to answer questions from the floor.

The seminar drew a good response from over 300 remittance agents and moneychangers, with many questions raised and views put forward. In organising the seminar, CPB hopes it would disseminate crime prevention messages through publicity and education, and to join forces with the trade to combat crime.

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