Force delegation visits Finnish Police

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With arrangement made by Police College, a delegation, led by Chief Inspector Yau Kin-hung and comprising two Senior Inspectors, two Sergeants and six Police Constables, paid a study visit to the Finnish Police between August 27 and September 4. During the period, the delegation visited the Police College of Finland in Tempere, which is around 160 km from northern Helsinki, and the Headquarters of Pirkanmaa Police Department.

In the Police College of Finland, officers from various departments, including International Relations and Training and Research, received the delegation warmly and gave detailed presentations on the structure and operations of the Finnish Police and the college, matters of police training and the prospect of enhancing  co-operation. The delegation also met the trainees to discuss and share experience of their jobs and training developments. In return, the delegation gave an overview of Hong Kong and the Force to members and trainees of the college.

During the visit to Pirkanmaa Police Department, the delegation was received by the Police Chief and briefed on local policing, command structure, daily duties, facilities and equipment. 

The visit was an eye-opener for the delegation members. The chance of seeing the interaction between quality police service and an advanced civil society has greatly enhanced their vision in serving the Force and the general public. They look forward to sharing the valuable experience of their trip with Force members.

The Finnish Police ranked 1st among 139 countries and economies for "Reliability of Police Services" according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011 published by the World Economic Forum, while the Force ranked 4th.

Delegation members meet officers and trainees of the Police College of Finland

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