YLDIST and community join forces to combat crime

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To disseminate messages of combatting crime and drugs, Yuen Long District (YLDIST) teamed up with Yuen Long District Fight Crime Committee (YLDFCC) and Yuen Long District Office to stage a Fighting Crime and Anti-Dangerous Drugs Carnival at Yuen Long Hong Lok Road Playground on August 22.

The carnival started with a welcoming speech by YLDFCC Chairperson, Mr Lee Yuet-man, who highly praised YLDIST for combatting crime and drugs, and called on the general public to support the Police by spreading the related messages to their families and friends.

After the speech, Acting YLDIST Commander Chan Mei-pui officiated at a kick-off ceremony with the guests of honour by puncturing colourful balloons on stage, symbolising the community's fight against drugs abuse. 

The carnival featured a variety of activities on and off the stage, giving the participants a better idea of the significance of fighting crime and drugs. Stage performances included a Police dog show, magic show, dancing, singing and Chinese Kung Fu by Non-ethnic Chinese children, showing Yuen Long is a diverse and harmonious community. Off stage activities were stall games organised by non-government organisations like Yuen Long Junior Police Call, Friend of Scouting - Jockey Club Long Ping Service Centre and Yuen Long Town Hall. Their fun games and colourful display boards, designed to underline the harm of crimes and drugs, earned the appreciation of many participants.

The carnival attracted several hundred people and went a long way towards fostering a closer police-community relationship for the battle against crime and drugs.

The carnival symbolises closer police-community co-operation in combatting crimes and drugs


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