Support Wing seminar on Personal Data Ordinance |
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The Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance (PDPOA) came into effect on October 1 with new provisions that have significant implications for the Force as a data user. As a result, a new PGO and FPM Chapter 76 on the subject were promulgated on November 16. To make Force members more aware of, and understand, the PDPOA, Support Wing held a seminar for a total of 360 Formation Data Administrators and officers with similar responsibilities at the Headquarters Auditorium on November 28 and 29. In the seminar, Chief Inspector (CIP) (Force Data and Access to Information Coordinator) Chow Hung provided the audience with the basic knowledge of handling requests for data access and the new provisions of the PDPOA, in particular the newly introduced exemptions and new offences, as well as tips on preventing and handling data leakage within the Force. CIP Chow also drew the attention of the audience to a newly created criminal offence under the PDPOA. "It's now an offence for disclosing personal data obtained without the data user's consent with intent to obtain gains or cause loss to the data subject; or the disclosure causes psychological harm to the data subject. The maximum penalty is imprisonment for five years and fine of $1m," she said. Force members interested in the subject may refer to Support Wing's Data Privacy Website for training materials. |
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