CCB works closely with accounting sectors

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Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) has been working closely with stakeholders in combatting commercial crimes. They are concerned that fraudsters abuse the freedom of the financial and banking sector in Hong Kong to set up bogus companies and open bank accounts for laundering money. 

In many commercial crimes such as Email Scam, Investment Fraud, Inheritance Fraud and Advance Fee Fraud, fraudsters make use of company and corporate bank accounts in committing crimes.  For example, fraudsters in the Email Scam (Corporate Level) cases would set up company and open corporate bank accounts. They would then hack into business emails, send out fictitious emails impersonating as suppliers, and instruct the victimised company to make payments to designated bank accounts.  In 2012, 430 Email Scam (Corporate Level) were reported, two-fold increase over 2011. 

To emphasis the importance of customer diligence in the accounting sector, and to raise professional accountants’ awareness of preventing email scam and Internet deception, CCB and the Accounting Resource Centre of the Accounting Development Foundation Limited jointly hosted a Commercial Crime Seminar at Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, Wan Chai, on February 21. Conducting the seminar were three CCB officers: Chief Inspector Kung Hing-fun of  Intelligence Division, Chief Inspector Ip Wai-kin of Technology Crime Division and Senior Inspector Hui Hong-kit of Fraud Division. 

In a bid to forge a partnership in combatting commercial crimes with the Chartered Public Accountant firms and professional accountants, CCB will continue to hold similar functions to disseminate crime prevention messages.

Nine accounting organisations give the seminar a big support

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