'Harmony Day' in TKO Police Station

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Tseung Kwan O Division (TKODIV) arranged a visit to Tseung Kwan O Police Station for more than 60 Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) on February 24. 

During the visit, Kwun Tong District Commander Chau Cho-kei presented a certificate of appreciation to two NEC representatives for their contributions to the liaison programme.

During a tour of the station, both regular and auxiliary officers introduced the accoutrements of a mobile patrol car and the operation of the Report Room. On the lighter side of the visit, writing of Chinese New Year calligraphy and singing Chinese New Year songs by both the visitors and hosts helped promote cultural exchanges.

The visit concluded with a Junior Police Call recruitment talk and donation of stationary and toys to underprivileged children.

TKO Divisional Commander Lai Chi-man hopes the programme would strengthen the bonding, mutual trust and understanding between the NEC community and his division.

Mr Chau thanks an NEC representative for contributions to the liaison programme

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