Gathering in Stanley for social harmony

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To further pursue the Force Strategic Direction on "Engaging the Community", Western District Police Community Relations Office (WDIST PCRO) arranged a visit to Stanley Police Station for the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) students of Hong Kong Chiu Sheung School on January 30 to promote relations with the NEC and enhance their knowledge of police work.

The visit included a tour around the Report Room, briefing on police duties, police equipment and facilities. Senior Inspector Mohammed Swalikh and other officers of Stanley Sub-division shared their experience of work and social integration with the visitors.

After the visit, the teachers and students expressed their heartfelt thanks to SIP Swalikh and his officers, and the Police Dog Handlers for arranging an interesting programme.  The students said they not only felt being accepted in society, but also enjoyed and benefited much from a meaningful activity.

The NEC students know more about police work after their visit

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