Police Tennis Team pulls off more victories

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Riding on its triumph in the "Inter-Major Cities Police Department Tennis Tournament" two months ago, the Police Tennis Team landed more glory by beating the long-time rival Fire Services Department in the finals of the "Inter-Disciplined Services Tennis Tournament" February 23 and capturing the championship trophy for the 4th year in a row in front of the Secretary for Security, heads of the disciplined services and other VIPs.

The final match of the tournament this year, again sponsored by patron Mr Richard Tang, was held at the Disciplined Services Sports and Recreation Centre.  Led by key players Senior Inspectors Clement Lee and Ian Pang, the Force team came up with an outstanding performance and finally beat the FSD Tennis Team by 7-2, and received the champion trophy from Mr Tang.

Vice-Chairman of Police Tennis Club, Chief Inspector Stephen Mok, points out that Police Tennis Team members, with continuous hard work and practice, have significantly raised their standard, resulting in excellent performances in several major tournaments in recent months.  He encouraged Force members to join Police Tennis Club so as to support the development of tennis within the Force and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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