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After attending a host of activities under the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP), over 50 mentees, accompanied by 25 police mentors, attended a closing ceremony at Marine Police Regional Headquarters on June 22. Officiating at the ceremony was Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Ng Tsui Fung-ying. 
Prior to the ceremony, Marine officers briefed the mentees on the history, structure and work of Marine Region. The mentees also toured police launches and the Regional Command and Control Centre, getting a better understanding of marine policing and the career path of an Inspector in Marine Region.
In the past year, the mentees took part in a variety of activities organised by Recruitment Division, including Summer Job Attachment, Summer Day Camp in Police College, and visits to Identification Bureau, Kwai Chung Police Station and Marine Region.  Some mentees also lent a hand as helpers on the Recruitment Day in December, Education and Careers Expo in February, and Recruitment Seminar in May, gaining practical work experience.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, Mrs Ng pointed out that the number of applications from mentees has been increasing since the PMP was established in 2004. "Up to now, a total of 142 mentees have successfully become Police Inspectors. For the PMP 2012-13, 74 mentees have applied for the Probationary Inspector post. I hope you would try your best to prepare for interviews and the physical fitness tests. Your mentors have given you much guidance and support so don't let them down," she told the mentees. 
Mrs Ng also encouraged the mentees to have a sense of righteousness, a determined mind, and broad vision, and get well prepared for the challenges ahead. 
Director of Personnel and Training Chau Kwok-leung, a former Head Mentor, attended the ceremony as a special guest. He was presented him with a commemorative PMP T-shirt by Mrs Ng as a token of appreciation for his leadership and guidance for the programme over the years.
For the mentees, conclusion of the PMP 2012-13 marks the beginning of a new phase in their life journey. During the closing ceremony, they staged a presentation on the PMP activities they had taken part and expressed their gratitude to the mentors for helping them set goals for their studies and careers, and plan for the future.
The mentees owe their eye-opening experience to the support of the Force and their mentors
The mentees owe their eye-opening experience to the support of the Force and their mentors