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Formed in March last year, the Traffic Training Team (TTT) has marked with a Training Day its 1st anniversary of training traffic officers in using traffic enforcement equipment.  

Coordinated by Traffic Branch Headquarters (TBHQ), the TTT addresses the training needs of Regional Traffic Formations with volunteer trainers performing an extra duty. Last year, the TTT trained up a total of 310 traffic officers in 24 courses. The trainees' assessment of their training has been very positive.  

To mark the TTT's 1st anniversary, TBHQ organised a Training Day for TTT members on May 30. The programme of the day included lectures by technical experts on the special features of traffic enforcement equipment such as lasers and radars, briefing on lecturing techniques by a Force Training Officer, and presentation of letters of appreciation to TTT members by Chief Superintendent Traffic (CSP T) Stephen Verralls for their contribution last year.  
In the presentation ceremony, CSP Verralls and CSP T (Designate) Paul Stripp thanked TTT members for their devotion to training and whole-hearted support for traffic formations and TBHQ.They also welcomed new members to the TTT.  
In reply, the TTT members thanked CSP Verralls for his leadership and support and wished him a happy retirement. CSP Verralls proceeded on pre-retirement leave on June 15.
The Training Day concluded following a series of lectures and experience sharing between TTT members and the lecturers. Speaking of members' observations, Sergeant Cheung Wei-man said the members had gained more knowledge of their enforcement equipment.  "The senior management has given members a lot of encouragement and support," he noted.
The TTT plans to conduct 36 training courses for 462 officers this year under a centralised training programme.
TTT members trained up 310 traffic officers in its first year of operation
TTT members trained up 310 traffic officers in its first year of operation