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Eastern District (EDIST) teamed up with Housing Department and Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre (MEVCC) in holding an "Eastern District Project Harmony" (EDPH) Opening Ceremony and Carnival in Hing Wah (II) Estate, Chai Wan, on August 31.

Officiating at the ceremony before a large gathering of local residents, including many new arrivals in Hong Kong, were Legislative Council Member, Mr Chung Sui-kan, Eastern District Council Chairman, Mr Wong Kin-pan, Eastern District Fight Crime Committee Chairperson, Ms Pang Melissa Kaye, a Housing Manager, Ms Chan Wan-yuk, MEVCC Social Welfare Supervisor, Mr Michael Leung and Chai Wan Divisional Commander Wong Kwok-yin. 

Following the ceremony were appointment of 10 EDPH Ambassadors, and distribution of publicity leaflets and souvenirs on beating crime to the public. 

EDIST hopes the "Eastern District Project Harmony" would promote the cultural exchanges and communication between the locals and the new arrivals, as well as senses of social responsibilities and belonging for the fight against crimes.