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Lantau District (LTDIST) held an anti-crime mural painting competition in June this year for the primary and secondary students in the district. Participants used their creativity to disseminate either anti-crime or road safety message on paintings.

The champion creations have been reproduced as posters for display outside the Lantau North Station to publicise the message to the public. 

The competition drew over 100 entries within two months from students aged seven to 18.

A judging panel comprising the District Commander, District Councillors, District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC) members and JPC Honorary Presidents selected the winning entries. The champion entry of the primary group focuses on creating a harmonious society by co-operating with police, while the secondary group champion targets at cyber crimes. With the help of JPC members, the two winning paintings have been reproduced as publicity posters.

The prize presentation ceremony was held on August 29 before a large gathering of District Councillors, DFCC members, JPC Honorary Presidents, participants and their parents. Speaking at the ceremony, DC LTDIST Cho Ming-lun said support by the public was essential for preventing crimes, and called on the local community to remain vigilant to crimes.   

To further spread anti-crime message to the public, some of the entries will be used for other beat crime items for distribution to the public.
The guests praise the winners and other participants for supporting the contest
The guests praise the winners and other participants for supporting the contest