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Each year during the school summer holiday, Lantau District offers various activities to help youngsters steer clear of crimes and drugs.  The latest activity was the visit to Dawn Island on August 27 by 18 JPC members. During the visit, JPC members had a sharing session with former drug abusers receiving rehabilitation treatment, toured the facilities there, and experienced the life on the island.

The visit had an impact on the JPC members as they are of the same age group as the former drug abusers. The JPC members found it amazing that rehabilitation would be successful without medical treatment, except a range of programmes, including peer support and intensive counselling. They also found that support by family and society is also indispensable for those wishing to quit drugs. 

The visit served the purpose of disseminating anti-crime and drug messages to the JPC members, who are expected to spread the messages to their peers and schoolmates.

After the visit, the JPC members recognise the need to stay away from drugs
After the visit, the JPC members recognise the need to stay away from drugs