Good Citizen Award 2021 (Phase 1)

Police Messages

The Good Citizen Award 2021 (Phase 1) embraces three ‘firsts’: the first adoption of an ‘Anti-deception’ theme, the first launch of the ‘Good Corporate Award’ and the first debut of the “live version” of the Force’s mascot, ‘The Little Grape’.

Besides, the GCA this year has added a new concept of ‘Good Citizen Alliance’. The thematic design for ‘Good Citizen Alliance’ is based on the idea of four superheroes: purple for wisdom; green for activeness; red for alertness and pink for calmness. They bear the mission to call everyone to embrace the four traits and be a ‘Good Citizen’.

Stay alert in your daily life and apply wisdom to uncover tricks from the swindlers; remind your family and friends on the latest crime trend to avoid falling into deception trap; stay calm when encountering crime and combat crime proactively.

‘The Good Citizen Alliance’ is formed up by a group of good citizens with these traits. They come from all walks of life to fight crime and their synergy brings positivity to the society.