Good Citizen Award Presentation Ceremony 2024

Police Messages

[2.23 “Good Citizen Award Presentation Ceremony 2024”@ Good Citizen - Good Stories – Everywhere]

The “Good Citizen Award Presentation Ceremony 2024” was held on 23 February 2025 (Sunday) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. A total of 80 Good Citizens were commended, among which nine Good Citizens were awarded the “Good Citizen of the Year Award”. In addition, seven "Good Organization Award" were presented to the corporations in recognition of their efforts in crime prevention. The ceremony was live-streamed on the Police Force's Facebook and RTHK Channel 31.

Mr SIU Chak-yee, the Commissioner of Police, Ms CHAN Sui-kuen, the Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Ms KWOK Sze-wai Melody, the member of The Fight Crime Committee were the officiating guests. Mr. Albert AU and Ms. Toby CHAN were the emcees of the ceremony. The event also featured performances by the boy band ‘Hey Brother’ and singers from ‘STARS Academy’, including Yumi CHUNG and Archie SIN.

The theme of this year's Good Citizen Award Presentation Ceremony is “Good Citizen ‧ Good Stories ‧ Everywhere”. Four cases were selected and filmed as the “The Hidden Good Citizen" series under the themes of "Clothing", "Food", "Housing" and "Transportation” with the participation of the awardees. The videos have been uploaded to the Police Force's YouTube channel.

Detail of awarded case

The Hidden Good Citizen