Keep an eye on your Personal Belongings

While you are out
- Keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times, especially in crowded areas (Lunar New Year Fairs, tourist spots, shopping hot spots, etc). Briefcases, backpacks and handbags should be carried in front of your body. Put your valuables in the inner compartments because they are comparatively safer than the outer ones;
- Keep distance from the person standing behind while travelling on escalators;
- Pay attention to the traffic condition before crossing the road. Do not stand near the curb or too close to the moving vehicles. Pay extra attention to those who stand close lest they are pickpockets;
- If a stranger calls, check thoroughly his/her identity and the purpose of calling. Do not hesitate to enquire again in case of doubt. Do not believe in the words of a stranger;
- Do not be tempted if a stranger offers to provide you with money changing service or peddles goods of extremely low price; and
- Do not make investment or gamble with strangers. Never agree to accept what they claim to have found so as to avoid deceptions.
- Electronic payments are recommended. Avoid paying with loads of cash. Cash should also be kept in separate places when necessary; and
- Make sure your valuables are with you all the time, regardless of whether you are shopping, dining or trying on clothes. They should be placed somewhere in your sight, or looked after by your friends. Never leave personal belongings unattended and create opportunities for thieves.