Hitting “Space Oil” —an escape from loneliness or just a trendy craze?
The recent rapid rise of the emerging drug “Space Oil” among youths is so alarming! The first hit? Mostly driven by peer influence. The real danger? All too easily overlooked.
Here’s what the latest statistics reveal: “Space Oil” has remained the third most commonly abused drug by youths aged under 21 since the first half of 2024, according to the Central Registry of Drug Abuse.
Bearing this in mind, the Narcotics Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force releases this special video, featuring interviews with experts and self-narraHves of drug rehabilitees on the severe consequences of “Space Oil”. The call is clear: “‘Space Oil’? Never, ever”!
Life at 18—hitting balls or hitting malls? But wait—consider how a single wrong decision could bring you lifelong regrets.
“Poisoned Love”—co-produced by the Hong Kong Police Force and the Correctional Services Department—features the self-narrative of Kiki (a pseudonym), a young inmate imprisoned for drug manufacturing. Learn from Kiki’s lesson: watch it now!
After watching the insights of a successful womanizer, can ‘Ho Jai’ really meet some girls? And what price did he have to pay for such?
At the end, is he being manipulated without knowing? What would be the consequences of trafficking in dangerous drugs?
The Narcotics Bureau has released the latest mini-movie ‘The quest for Love/Drug’, watch it now!
The story revolves around Shirly, who finally meets her long-awaited Mr. Dream. However, it turns out that this dream guy had infused cannabis into the dessert claiming that it can make Shirly more relaxed without getting addicted. What danger lies under this romantic encounter? What would be Shirly’s fate?
The Narcotics Bureau has released the latest mini-movie ‘The sweet trap of Mr. Dream’, watch it now!
A new series of anti-drugs animations and videos will share anti-drugs tips and be broadcasted on different social media platforms. Stay tuned for the new videos! Click on the direct links below if you wish to watch the clips again.
The mini-movie, produced by Narcotics Bureau, incorporates real cases into the plot, and reveals how criminals recruit young people to carry out drug trafficking activities. The film also interviews a girl inmate who was sentenced to 17 years and 6 months’ imprisonment for trafficking in 20kg of cocaine and illustrates the heavy price paid by the girl for taking part in drug trafficking.