Traffic Statistics


Number of Traffic Enforcement by Quarter in 2024

Type 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter TOTAL
FPT (Parking - Pol. 525) * 655 940    628 621    628 930    629 317    2 542 808 
FPT (Moving - Pol. 570) 123 245    112 531    119 081    124 158     479 015 
Summons / Arrest 14 250    14 745    14 577    15 369     58 941 
Total  793 435     755 897     762 588     768 844    3 080 764 

* Provisional figures as at 2025-01-03.


Traffic Enforcement Statistics by Offences by Police Regions in 2024 (Jan-Dec)

  Offences HKI KE KW NTS NTN Others Total
1 Offences by Pedestrians 1 451 1 432 2 105 1 897 2 219  1 9 105
2 Offences by Cyclists  89  592  470  534 2 093  53 3 831
3 Drink driving  106  107  135  178  120  0  646
4 Drug driving  3  7  7  42  9  0  68
5 Careless driving 3 792 3 490 4 724 4 581 4 406  4 20 997
6 Dangerous driving
(includes causing grievous bodily Harm and death)
 171  218  382  229  216  0 1 216
7 Insecure load  76  68  24  195  209  0  572
8 Overloading  70  729  464  430  688  7 2 388
9 Traffic signal offences 7 362 4 885 15 831 4 290 10 674  1 43 043
10 Traffic sign offences 15 634 4 267 7 539 11 186 6 923  2 45 551
11 Using handheld mobile phone/telecommunications equipment while vehicle is in motion  1 078 2 162 2 139 13 414 7 211  0 26 004
12 Failing to give precedence to pedestrian on zebra crossing  241  114  205  145  106  0  811
13 Double white line offences 7 489 6 995 7 885 5 393 4 940  10 32 712
14 Yellow stripe crossing  140  14  326  33  21  0  534
15 Box junction offence  359  170 1 159  210  243  0 2 141
16 U turn causing obstruction  22  7  11  10  13  0  63
17 Seatbelt offences  286  309 1 476 3 797 1 842  1 7 711
18 Soliciting passenger  0  1  0  1  0  0  2
19 Refusing hire  33  16  12  3  4  0  68
20 Overcharging  15  2  3  3  2  0  25
21 Taximeter offences  21  1  14  2  0  0  38
22 Driving in a motor race or speed trail  0  0  2  0  16  0  18
23 Speeding 15 976 47 487 36 676 41 397 53 431  1 194 968
24 Others 24 277 13 595 27 419 42 271 36 458 1 424 145 444
A1 Grand total 78 691 86 668 109 008 130 241 131 844 1 504 537 956
B1 Total Pol. 525 * 396 945 297 539 872 226 390 421 585 677  0 2 542 808
25 Verbal warnings - Drivers  30  100  197 2 164 6 656  0 9 147
26 Verbal warnings - Cyclists  16  0  0  121  11  0  148
27 Verbal warnings - Pedestrians  574  0  10  129  32  0  745
C1 Total Warnings  620  100  207 2 414 6 699  0 10 040

* Provisional figures as at 2025-01-03.



Traffic Enforcement Statistics by Offences in 2024 (Jan-Dec)

  Offences 2023
1 Offences by Pedestrians 8 912 9 105 +2%
2 Offences by Cyclists 4 094 3 831 -6%
3 Drink driving  709  646 -9%
4 Drug driving  67  68 +1%
5 Careless driving 20 862 20 997 +1%
6 Dangerous driving
(includes causing grievous bodily harm and death)
1 105 1 216 +10%
7 Insecure load  695  572 -18%
8 Overloading 2 559 2 388 -7%
9 Traffic signal offences 48 827 43 043 -12%
10 Traffic sign offences 46 918 45 551 -3%
11 Using handheld mobile phone/telecommunications equipment while vehicle is in motion  26 929 26 004 -3%
12 Failing to give precedence to pedestrian on zebra crossing  737  811 +10%
13 Double white line offences 30 115 32 712 +9%
14 Yellow stripe crossing  452  534 +18%
15 Box junction offence 2 401 2 141 -11%
16 U turn causing obstruction  51  63 +24%
17 Seat belt offences 7 868 7 711 -2%
18 Soliciting passenger  4  2 -50%
19 Refusing hire  85  68 -20%
20 Overcharging  42  25 -40%
21 Taximeter offences  12  38 +217%
22 Driving in a motor race or speed trail  6  18 +200%
23 Speeding 253 571 194 968 -23%
24 Others 153 753 145 444 -5%
A1 Grand total 610 774 537 956 -12%
B1 Total Pol. 525 * 3 013 019 2 542 808 -16%
25 Verbal warnings - Drivers 12 793 9 147 -28%
26 Verbal warnings - Cyclists  406  148 -64%
27 Verbal warnings - Pedestrians  527  745 +41%
C1 Total Warnings 13 726 10 040 -27%

* Provisional figures as at 2025-01-03.