Around the clock, the Region’s fleet maintains a high profile police presence in the waters of the HKSAR.
The Region plays an active role in SAR operations both inside and occasionally outside of HKSAR waters and actively supports the Hong Kong Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre, which is operated by the Marine Department.
High profile police presence and efforts on proactive crime prevention publicity are made to prevent and deter crime on islands and maritime environment, as well as to thoroughly investigate all crimes that had been reported.
The seaways are the living heart of Hong Kong and are actively policed in support of the Marine Department to ensure vessels are operated in a safe and proper manner.
At sea, on outlying islands and remote places the Regions resources are regularly deployed to assist the conveyance of sick and injured persons for medical treatment and close ties are maintained with other Government Departments to achieve this.
Assisting the implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. The ISPS code was implemented in Hong Kong on 1st July 2004 and the Region implements various measures to enhance security.
The Region proactively promotes sea safety via different platforms aiming to raise public awareness of sea safety.