Hong Kong Police Force

We Serve with Pride and Care

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Traffic Branch Headquarters

This leaflet tells you about the standards of service which you can expect from the Traffic Branch Headquarters of the Hong Kong Police. It also tells you the steps you can take if you want to seek explanations or make comments on the service you receive.

Photograph:Traffic Police officer

Photograph:Police vehicles in patrol

Service Delivered

This performance pledge covers the following police activities in relation to traffic matters :
- investigation of non-fatal traffic accidents; and
- investigation of complaints about fixed penalty tickets/traffic summonses.

Photograph:Traffic Police officers distributing road safety publicity leaflets

Performance Standards

Investigation of Non-Fatal Traffic Accidents

- Police will complete their enquiries into a non-fatal traffic accident and advise interested parties of the outcome within three months from receipt of the report.

Investigation of Complaints about Fixed Penalty Tickets/ Traffic Summonses

- Police will investigate complaints made by members of the public on the issue of fixed penalty tickets/ traffic summonses and report the result to the complainant within two months from receipt of the complaint. Where a full investigation cannot be completed within two months, the complainant will be informed of the progress in writing.

Photograph:Police vehicles in different models

Effective Monitoring

The Police Force will monitor these standards both internally and externally via District Fight Crime Committees and publish annually the results of this monitoring.

Service Environment

The Police Force is committed to providing a fair and thorough traffic investigation expeditiously.

The Public's Role

To improve the quality of our service, we welcome any suggestions you may have. Despite our best efforts, there may be occasions when Police are unable to complete the investigation within the standard response time. If you want an explanation, you may contact the traffic formation in the area where the accident occurred on the following telephone numbers during office hours :

Hong Kong Island 3661 1620
Kowloon West 2773 5220
Kowloon East 2305 7500
New Territories South 3661 1710
New Territories North 3661 3800
Lantau Island 3661 1694

In respect of fixed penalty ticket/traffic summons enquiries, you may visit the Central Traffic Prosecutions Division Enquiry Counter located at 11/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Our office hours are from 9:00 am to 5:45 pm on weekdays. The counter is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and general holidays. You may also telephone the Interactive Voice Processing System on 2866 6552 (total 12 lines) where information is available on pre-recorded messages. During office hours, your enquiry can be directed to the operator for personal assistance.

Photograph:Police vehicles in patrol

Right of Appeal

If you wish to complain that your case has not been dealt with adequately, you may write to the Complaints Against Police Reporting Centre, Ground Floor, Annex Block, Caine House, No.3 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong or telephone the 24-hour complaint hotline (2866 7700).

Where to Go for Further Information

For further information on the matters stated in this leaflet, please contact the Police Community Relations Officer of your local police station.

Photograph:Traffic Police officer on duty

Hong Kong Police August 2015