首先,我們在碼頭迎接團員,然後一同參觀長洲警署。長洲警署是一所擁有超過100年歷史的建築,充滿殖民地色彩。團員對長洲「一村一警察」的警民合作關係都十分感興趣。稍後,我們往少訊會所出發。長洲少訊先簡單向團員介紹本區少訊的活動及資訊。及後,大會安排我們參與「Teens Talk」活動,進行集體遊戲,參加者都十分投入,團員更教我們唱當地的營火會歌,我們亦分組交流兩地推動警民合作的方法,並以話劇形式向其他組別講解。
This was my first time visiting Hong Kong and I had a wonderful time. I visited establishments of the Hong Kong Police Force and gained exclusive and invaluable insights. One of the best moments for me was our visit to the Police Museum. There was a preserved head of a tiger shot by the Hong Kong officers in the early 20th century, when tragically it killed one officer. It was so well preserved that I could still see the bullet holes there.
I was also fascinated by the uniform changes. I learnt that about a hundred years ago, police officers wore different uniforms based on their races. Today officers from different races wear the same uniform and this shows their unity. I also felt the officers' passion and dedication to their profession, from the olden days where policemen having to live in the police station where they work, till the present where the trainees at Police College dedicate much of their time and energy to their training to become a full-fledged police officer. I am truly inspired by and respect these police officers.
編輯部: 香港灣仔軍器廠街一號, 警察總部警政大樓十一樓
電話號碼:2860 6157
傳真號碼:2200 4304
少年警訊網址: http://www.hkpjpc.org.hk
警隊網址: http://www.police.gov.hk