


My adventurous performances at the cultural centre, it began when I was invited to participate in the police concert for community 2016 on the 19th and the 20th of April.

On the day of the first performance, our team was at the visual arts room getting ready for the performance after school. We, including the boys, had to wear makeup. When we arrived at the cultural centre, the MCs were practicing continuously. After that, the solo singer practiced and we met some TV stars in police uniforms.

After dinner, at around 9pm, the show started. We all headed down the huge lift and we sat down until it was our time to show ourselves. After the stars performed, we sang two songs.I got a golden opportunity to shake hand with the Chief Executive's wife. At around 11pm, I went home with joyful memories.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
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  • 2860 6157
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