



This summer, I have joined the Cheng Du Cultural Exchange Programme held by Sha Tin JPC. Being an international school student in Hong Kong, I had seldom gone to Mainland. The trip really provided a chance for me to broaden my horizons.

Our first stop is at the Cheng Du Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, the aim of the research base is to repopulate the Giant Panda because they are now an endangered species and Giant Pandas are only found in China. We then went to one of the old streets in Cheng Du to understand their local life and we had dinner there, it was very spicy indeed. I can handle the spice, but I sweat a lot.

On the next day, we visited a local military high school where they teach military knowledge along with the basic subjects. I had a chat with a student there and we shared each other’s experiences in Hong Kong and Cheng Du. On the third day, we ate our breakfast quickly and took the bus to visit the Tencent Internet Company in ChengDu, the company is very large.

After the trip, I would like to improve my Putonghua. I realized that the Mainland China has already become a developed country. Doing business in Mainland China will also become a new trend. I have to equip myself to seize the opportunity there.



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