



Reviewing things that I have done in 2016, I discovered that many targets were not reached. I want to do better in exams, try something new, and meet more new friends in 2017. These were something I hoped for at the beginning of 2016, and now I keep pursing them a year later.

First of all, English is always my weakest among other subjects at school and I want to break this fate. As teachers often emphasised, English is a global language. Learning it and using it confidently is beneficial for our future career. For example, speaking English with foreign colleagues is necessary if I work in an international company. As a result, I want to get at least level 5 in my HKDSE English exam. To improve my English standard, I will force myself to watch more BBC news so that I can learn how native speakers speak English fluently and grammatically.

In addition, I hope I can join more extra-curricular activities since I want to meet more new friends. The reason is the sincerity of secondary school friends cannot be easily found in university or in society according to my parents. In the secondary school we did not have to worry about our life and our career as our school had prepared everything for us. Through joining different activities, such as drama club or basketball team, I can learn team spirit and strengthen my social network. By putting myself into the shoes of my friends, I can learn how to have consideration for others.

Eventually, I hope I can avoid spending too much time surfing the Internet. This is one of the reasons that so many goals of mine cannot be attained in 2016. Therefore, I hope I can improve this situation. I will set up a timetable to have better daily planning.

If you wish to share your recent unforgettable JPC experiences with our Newsletter readers, you are welcome to email your 250-word English article and relevant photos (with your name, JPC membership no. and district) to sgt-2-jpc-pprb@police.gov.hk, Write to us the decline is 13 February 2017. The writer of the published article will be awarded a book coupon worth $200.


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