


Earlier we went to the Yan Oi Tong Pang Hung Cheung Neighbourhood Elderly Centre. We prepared activities for the elderly to give them an enjoyable and unforgettable day.

At the start, we were shy to approach the elderly. Soon we had warm-up exercise together. The elderly were approachable and talkative which gave us encouragement. Next we had games including riddles, passing dolls and "Simon Says". They were much more energetic and active than we expected. We even sang with them. They liked our visit a lot.

I was thankful for the delightful moments with the elderly. Somehow we felt the generation gap with them before, including with our grandparents at home. Previously I seldom talked and spent little time with them. Now I have reflected on how to get along with my grandparents. I was pleased to have participated in this visit. I gained so much and am determined to pay more attention to my grandparents.


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