


Jackson: Hugo, are you preparing for the presentation?

Hugo: Yes. I am so nervous to give a speech in front of the customers.

Sharon: Relax, Hugo. You have been preparing for a month. Last time, you rehearsed to me confidently.

Hugo: Sharon, you don't know me at all! I always get cold feet in the keen situation.

Jackson: Huh, I bet Sharon doesn't get what you are saying.

Sharon: Jackson, you're so mean.

Hugo: Sharon, "cold feet" is the idiom which refers to a person who suddenly and spontaneously becomes frightened to do something which has been well-prepared.

Sharon: Don't worry, Hugo. Everyone gets cold feet in the critical moment, even if they have prepared for a long time. Clear up your mind before making a speech; that might help you.

Jackson: Yup, that's right.


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