Recently, there is a tendency of telephone deception revival. Actually, the forms of telephone deception are quite similar: Sometimes they pretend to be officers of Immigration Department and claim that the victim breached law; then they put the victim through to officers of Mainland China and use "investigation" as an excuse to ask the victim to remit money to a domestic account. According to the police, the victims are composed of people from different ages and educational levels; the situation is worrisome. Actually, the media keeps reporting this kind of crime, and the TV program, "Police Report", often inform the public the method used by the deceivers. However, they cannot prevent the public from being cheated.

The deceiver understands people's panic and threatens them not to tell someone else and to remit the money as soon as possible. People need to keep calm and careful; do not completely trust the phone call by a stranger. People need to watch the news and realize the common method used by the deceivers. When having doubts, discuss with your family or friends before making any decision. The police recently set up an anti-fraud center offering people consultation services, please use it frequently.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
  • Editor
  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
  • Tel
  • 2860 6157
  • Fax
  • 2200 4304

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