


JPC Member of Eastern District


JPC gave me an opportunity to overcome my greatest fear of all time. We visited some under-privileged children with disabilities and had to paired up with them for the activities. One of the activities required us to jump off a boat without any safety harness. I've been escaping from this activity as I don't know how to swim, which makes this activity even more challenging than it already is. But my JPC friends, mentors and teachers supported me and gave me courage to perform the task. Thankfully, my partner from under-privileged group was brave, which further motivated me. After the activity was over, I realised how fun and meaningful this activity actually was. It allowed me to further develop myself into a better and courageous being.

Another activity that taught me a lot was called “Spring Cleaning”. We went to an elderly home and provided them some help with cleaning and most importantly got the opportunity to spend some quality time with them. I learnt a lot about their culture, background stories and personal experience which again made me want to become a better person. And I would not have these opportunities if I hadn't join the JPC team of our school and I'm very thankful and grateful for all that I've learnt in my experience of being a part of the JPC team.


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