


JPC Member of Kowloon City District
Wong Wing Tung

2018 was a fabulous year. I had gone through hard times and tears, but it ended with joy as I travelled to Belgium with my family during Christmas. Since people in Belgium speaks French and Dutch, I started learning French since September. Before I headed off, I was quite confidence about communicating with French because I had learnt some basic conversations like buying things in shops. But then when I arrived at Brussels, the first thing I needed to do was to buy train tickets. This was already a great challenge for me as I had no idea about the French shown on the screen. So I had to search on the internet and check on dictionaries about the words. At last, I successfully bought the train tickets. Over the nine days in Brussels, I needed to use a lot of French and therefore I learnt a lot of new vocabularies. But still, I was not brave enough to speak in French. After I came back from Brussels, I told myself, “I must improve my French and visit France later.” Therefore, my new year resolution is to make great improvement in learning French, be confident in speaking French when visiting France next time.


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