


JPC Member of Wong Tai Sin Distict
GUO Zhi-hao

2021 is a special year! Everyone is unhappy because of the widespread of COVID -19 around the world. Everyone wonders when can we go out without a mask? When can we resume our normal life? When would COVID-19 end ?

Many people planned to travel in this summer. However, many flights had been cancelled because of COVID-19. We need to stay at home and maintain a safe distance when we go out.

When I watched the news, I saw many people died of COVID-19. I learn that life is very valuable and I need to cherish every day. Therefore, I changed my mind and planned to do something different. I want to chase my dream when I am still young, so that I will not regret in the future.

Therefore, I resigned from my job this year to spend more time on practicing harmonica. I want to have an outstanding achievement on playing harmonica. In addition, I want to promote harmonica to everyone. It's my dream and I am looking forward to achieving it!

I also know that health is important and so I planned to keep fit this summer. I have started to do more exercises and joined different activities with my JPC friends. They motivated and supported me a long the way. On the other hand, I am planning to go back to school next year as I know that lifelong learning allows me to go further. Although the road will not be easy, I will try my best to make it come true.



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