編輯精選 - Reading is FUN
要學好英語,就要多接觸英語。但很多同學總是不喜歡閱讀英語書籍,主要是害怕遇上生詞時需要查詞典。在這方面, 小編建議同學由淺入深,先選擇適合自己英語水平的書籍來看。小學及初中學生可先找一些童話、寓言或有趣的故事來看,即使是淺白一點的英文書籍也可以看,讓自己對英語產生興趣,然後慢慢養成閱讀的習慣。事實上,我們閱讀英語書籍愈多,覆述和運用英語的能力就會愈高,因而說英語的信心也會增強。今次小編找來兩個幽默的英語笑話跟大家分享:
Tricky Girl
- A tricky girl said,“Mom, I got a hundred in school today!”
- The mom replied, “Great, sweetie, tell me about it.”
- The girl said, “Well, I got a twenty in maths, a thirty in history and a fifty in dictation.”
Share the Bicycle
- A mother is speaking to her son.
- “Now, John, don’t be selfish. Let your little brother share the bicycle with you.”
- “But Mother, I do. I ride it down the hill, and he rides it up the hill.”