The Hong Kong University University of Science and Technology Anti-drug Anti-drug and Crime-fighting Crime-fighting Bicycle Barbecue Tour



JPC Leader of Wong Tai Sin District

It is such a wonderful day breeze giving a soft touch to our skin and temperature just cozy not sweating our shirts. It is a joyful and fruitful day joining the Wong Tai Sin Junior Police (WTS JPC.) Call to have a cycling and barbecue trip.

Thanks to WTSJPC providing me a chance to escape from the crowded city and enjoy the fascinating views in Tai Mei Tuk. It is an unforgettable experience to taste the other look — the beautiful countryside of our home, Hong Kong, through riding a bicycle. Other than the members from WTSJPC, there were many other tourists who were enjoying the view and riding on the cycling trail.

Such a situation was teaching me to share the trails and views in harmony without other tourists. And the barbecue section really gives me the feeling of happiness that we are sharing food with each other. I hope WTSJPC can hold same kinds of activities in the future.



JPC Monthly Newsletter
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    No. 123 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, HK.
  • Tel
  • 2828 7431
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  • 2200 4304

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