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Western District (WDIST) has been working closely with the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in fighting and preventing crimes on the campus. In a bid to forge closer co-operation in promoting crime prevention messages, both parties have sent representatives to take part in beating crime activities.
As it was the case last year, WDIST Assistant District Commander (Crime), Superintendent (SP) Bruce Hawkins, gave a talk in HKU for Mainland and foreign exchange students at the start of the academic year on August 30, providing around 1,300 teachers and students from over 70 countries with an overview of the crime situation in Hong Kong and reminding the students to steer clear of drugs.
HKU also sent students to participate in fright crime publicity campaigns and other youth programmes organised by WDIST, including "Southern District Anti-beach Theft Campaign" and "Spring Bud Project" held in July and "Southern District Fight Crime Week Kick-off Ceremony" last month. In participating in these activities, the students were able to establish positive life values and serve the community at the same time. 
Western District works closely with University of Hong Kong on campus safety
Western District works closely with University of Hong Kong on campus safety