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With the season of water sports around the corner, Marine South Division (MSDIV), along with other government departments, participated in the 9th Annual Hong Kong Water Safety Day hosted by Hong Kong Life Saving Society and Hong Kong Swimming Teachers' Association at Repulse Bay on May 1. 
Marine Port District Commander Lee Kiu-ki officiated at the event with representatives from other government departments and organisations in front of over 2 000 spectators.
MSDIV took part in a joint sail parade and a sea rescue exercise, in which a police launch "rescued" a dummy survivor and conducted a joint winching exercise with a Government Flying Service helicopter.
MSDIV also set up an information booth at the event to promote sea safety and offer tips on preventing accidents at sea. Over 20 organisations also pitched in by setting up display boards on their jobs and equipment, enabling the spectators to meet face to face with those who work for sea safety round the clock.
The Water Safety Day succeeds in driving sea safety home
The Water Safety Day succeeds in driving sea safety home