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In a bid to beef up officers' knowledge of the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) community and its cultures and languages, the Force Working Group on NEC is running a quiz called "NEC Pop Quiz" in five consecutive issues of Offbeat, this being the last issue.

The five participants who have given correct answers to all questions in the five consecutive issues will be awarded a $200 book coupon. Twenty participants who have given correct answers to all questions in three consecutive issues will receive a $100 book coupon.

If there are more participants with correct answers, a draw will be used to pick the prizewinners and the results will be published in Offbeat. Answers to each issue of the quiz will be published in the following issue

1. What is the main purpose of "Project Gemstone"?

A. To promote messages of crime prevention to the South Asians

B. To solve the difficulties in life for the South Asian families in the district

C. To enhance the South Asian youths' Chinese language level and their knowledge of the Police

D. To encourage the South Asians to provide crime information to the Police

2. How many police stations are operating "TRANSLINK"?

A. 6

B. 8

C. 9

D. 10

3. Which of the followings is the strategy of the Force Working Group on NEC?

A. Strengthening community participation

B. Enhancing officers' sensitivity

C. Community support

D. All of the above

Participants should send name, UI, formation, contact number and answers to fwg-nec@police.gov.hk on or before November 30. For enquiry call 2359-8276.

Answers to the fourth issue are: 1.C   2.B  3.B