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Hong Kong Island (HKI) Region and New Territories North (NTN) Region held Regional Sports Day at Police Sports and Recreation Club on November 24 and December 4 respectively in support of the promotion of a healthy lifestyle within the Force.

On the HKI Regional Sports Day, more than 500 participants competed in 11 events comprising running, swimming, table tennis, squash, tennis, ten-pin bowling, basketball, nine-a-side football, tug-of-war, newly introduced dodge ball and cheering competition.

After nail-biting matches, HKI Regional Commander Tang Ping-keung presented the Major Formation Champion Trophy to Central Distract and Minor Formation Champion Trophy to Police Tactical Unit HKI, and thanked organising committee members and helpers for staging an enjoyable and successful event. He also hoped everyone would cultivate good habits and keep fit for facing the challenges ahead.

The NTN Regional Sports Days also saw over 500 officers from Districts and Regional headquarters participate in badminton, football, basketball, table tennis, tug-of-war, relay run and fun games.

While NTN Regional Commander Kwok Ho-fai officiated at some final matches, Deputy Regional Commander Tsang Cheung-tat and District Commanders were on hand to cheer on their colleagues. Finally, Tuen Mun District and Traffic NTN captured the trophies for the Major Formation Champion and Minor Formation Champion respectively.

Over 500 officers participate in HKI Sports Day
Over 500 officers participate in HKI Sports Day
Tug-of-war on NTN Sports Day
Tug-of-war on NTN Sports Day