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At a "Smart and Attentive Road Users Carnival" held on March 6, Traffic Kowloon West (T KW) announced that it had introduced a "Drivers' Charter". The carnival sought to remind drivers of the importance of attentive driving and disseminate safe crossing messages to students, attracting over 1 000 participants.

Officiating at the event were three District Council chairmen, Mr Cheung Wing-sum, Mr Pun Kwok-wah and Mr Ip Ngo-tung, and the Regional Commander of Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol (HKRSP) KW Region, Mr Elkan Chan.

Speaking at the event, T KW Senior Superintendent Chan Kwok-kee announced that T KW, in co-operation with HKRSP KW Region, had introduced a "Drivers' Charter", securing the support of 10 professional drivers' groups related to franchised bus company, taxi, Public Light Bus (Red), Public Light Bus (Green), tourist bus, school bus and goods vehicle.

More than 100 professional drivers were present to lend support by signing the charter, which calls on drivers to comply with the Road Users' Code and Safe Motoring Guides published by the Transport Department and be responsible drivers.

Dr H.K. Mong, a specialist in forensic pathology, and Dr Ringo Lee, Chairman of the Institute of the Motor Industry Hong Kong, gave talks on the relationship among road safety, drivers' physical health and vehicle maintenance.

In the field of "Student Pedestrian Safety", students also pitched in at the event. Led by Mr Li Yat-long, the HKRSP Ambassador, they made a pledge to do their utmost to spread safe crossing messages to their schoolmates and peers and remind them to refrain from using mobile phones while crossing the road.

Many local community leaders support the carnival
Many local community leaders support the carnival