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Under the arrangement of the Hong Kong Police College, Chief Inspector Luk Chun-chung and Senior Inspectors Kwok Kin-wai and Wong Man-yan attended a training programme, titled "Leadership in Action", as a visiting fellow and participants respectively at the Queensland Police Service Academy in Australia from May 27 to June 7. They then undertook a one-week operational attachment to a number of Queensland police units.

The programme was tailored for middle-ranking officers. Other participants included over 20 local law enforcement officers. The speakers, including directorate officers from the Queensland Police Service, the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and the Queensland Corrective Services, shared with the participants their knowledge and experience in leadership, environmental scanning, communication and building a positive organisational culture.

Meanwhile, visiting fellow Mr Luk Chun-chung conducted an interactive session on "Leadership in Transnational Operation" for the participants. Mr Luk is the Force's Knowledge Management Peer Adviser in the domain of Co-ordination and Liaison with the Mainland and Overseas Enforcement Agencies. The session was well received by the participants.

During the subsequent attachment, the three Hong Kong officers visited several police units, including Operation Training Services, the Ethical Standards Command, the Innovation Unit, the Right to Information and Privacy Unit, the Crime and Corruption Commission and the Financial and Cyber Crime Group, to learn more about technological application, integrity management and the use of force. They also called on local police stations to better understand the application of technology as well as the work challenges of local officers.

The Hong Kong officers said the programme has strengthened their leadership and management skills. They also took the opportunity to establish a partnership with local law enforcement officers.

Mr Luk Chun-chung conducts an interactive session for the course participants
Mr Luk Chun-chung conducts an interactive session for the course participants
Mr Kwok Kin-wai (third right) and Ms Wong Man-yan (second right) learn about the work of local officers
Mr Kwok Kin-wai (third right) and Ms Wong Man-yan (second right) learn about the work of local officers