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Lantau District (LTDIST) held the first "Lantau District Anti-Youth Drug Abuse and Fight Crime Conference" with the Islands District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC), Islands District Council members as well as representatives from local secondary schools and non-governmental organisations on May 31.

The conference aimed to increase the stakeholders' understanding of the drug problem among young people, and to strengthen co-operation and information exchange to prevent youth drug abuse.

The conference was chaired by LTDIST Commander Tam Nga-ching. Assistant District Commander (Crime) Wong Yick-lung and Police Community Relations Officer Wu Sai-yiu of LTDIST talked about drug offences in the district, the trend of youth drug abuse, strategies for preventing drug abuse as well as Junior Police Call activities.

Chairman of the Islands DFCC Mr Yu Hon-kwan took the opportunity to present tapestry flags and letters of appreciation to outstanding officers of LTDIST in recognition of their contribution to maintaining law and order in the district. He also commended LTDIST for its work, and encouraged stakeholders to continue to support the Police to maintain the Lantau Island as a safe and stable community.

Mr Yu Hon-kwan presents tapestry flags to outstanding officers of LTDIST
Mr Yu Hon-kwan presents tapestry flags to outstanding officers of LTDIST